
Profile of the Host City

San Diego is the state’s second largest city and the sixth largest city in the nation.


San Diego United States Population 1,110,549 248,709,872 Median household income $33,686 $30,056 Median age 31 yrs 33 College graduates 38% 27% White 54% 73% Latino 23% 11% Black 9% 12% Asian 13% 3% Native American/Eskimo 1% 1% Unemployment rate (June ‘96) 5.4% 5.3%


The Ex-Presidents

Two Republican ex-presidents, Gerald Ford and George Bush, will be honored tonight at the convention. Ronald Reagan, who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, will be represented by his wife. As an ex-president, Herbert Hoover attended seven Republican conventions--a record.

Youngest Delegate’s Chance

The youngest delegate attending the GOP convention is Jason Briton, 18, of Utah, who has been invited to speak from the podium for two minutes today. “I’ve got two minutes to represent 100,000 young Republicans and I want to say the right thing,” he said Sunday, confessing some anxiety about his speech. He loves politics and will study political science at Harvard beginning this fall. The oldest delegate is Jeanette Riel, 93, of Vero Beach, Fla.
