
Sabina Zlatin; Helped Jewish Children Flee Nazis

Sabina Zlatin, 89, who spirited Jewish children to Switzerland to escape the Nazis. A native of Warsaw, Sabina Schwast married a French farmer, Miron Zlatin, and became a French citizen. During World War II, she founded the Children’s Home of Izieu and helped more than 100 Jewish children elude capture by Germans and escape over the Swiss border. But on April 6, 1944, Nazis seized seven teachers and 44 children as they were eating breakfast. Mrs. Zlatin was away but her husband was taken and later shot with two of the children. An additional 42 children and five of the adults died in gas chambers at Auschwitz. Only one young teacher survived. When Klaus Barbie, who had ordered the raid, was tried in 1987 for crimes against humanity, Zlatin testified against him. He was convicted and later died in a French prison. On Saturday in Paris.
