
Wilson Aide Sloat Won’t Seek Board Seat

One of the top contenders mentioned as a replacement for Supervisor Marian Bergeson has taken himself out of the running.

Kevin Sloat, Gov. Pete Wilson’s deputy chief of staff and a former Bergeson aide, has asked that he not be considered for the gubernatorial appointment, a Wilson spokesman said.

Sloat’s name surfaced last week after Bergeson announced she was stepping down to assume a post as Wilson’s secretary of education. Insiders said Wilson is extremely fond of Sloat and probably would have appointed him had he wanted the job.


“For those who know Kevin so well, it’s clearly a loss for Orange County not to have someone of his caliber in the running,” said Sean Walsh, Wilson’s spokesman. “He has a grasp of policy issues, understands finance and legislative matters better than just about anyone in the state.”
