
Stanton’s Crusade Against D.A.

Supervisor Roger R. Stanton’s dash to conduct an audit of the district attorney’s office can only be described as politically motivated and personal retaliation (Sept. 18).

The taxpayers of Orange County remember how Stanton and his cohorts failed to provide proper management oversight of Treasurer-Tax Collector Robert L. Citron and his failed financial investment policies.

Unfortunately, Stanton has not accepted any responsibility for his failures in office. He chooses instead to attack the district attorney, who has a responsibility to the citizens of Orange County to investigate malfeasance.


The district attorney is an elected official that is responsible to the public. The citizens of Orange County expect him to act independently of the Board of Supervisors and when necessary conduct investigations into the actions, or in this case, the inaction of elected public officials.

If Stanton is truly concerned about how county funds are being spent, then he should have done the honorable thing by resigning from office for his failures in the Citron debacle, thus saving the district attorney’s office the expense of conducting their investigation into his role in Orange County’s bankruptcy.


