
UC Irvine’s Social Ecology Program

Thank you very much for your outstanding Oct. 20 article honoring the Social Ecology School at UC Irvine on its 25th anniversary.

We at the Child Abuse Services Team know the program well. We began our association with the social ecology program through its talented and dedicated field study coordinator, Janet Stevens, in October 1990.

Since then we have served as a field study placement site for approximately 160 students. We provide them extensive and varied experience in what you describe as “turning theory into practice.”


CAST is the Orange County program responsible for investigating alleged sexual abuse of children.

We serve all 22 police districts with a multidisciplinary team consisting of social workers, a deputy district attorney, a nurse practitioner, therapists and volunteer child advocates.

Social ecology majors serving as child advocates receive four units of credit during a quarter for working at one of the CAST sites for 10 hours each week.


Most are outstanding at reducing the trauma of a devastating experience for the children, which is their most important responsibility. They contribute greatly, while they are gaining valuable experience and insight to use in their own careers.


