
Cardenas’ Assistant to Discuss Legislation

Richard Montes, administrative assistant to 39th District Assemblyman Tony Cardenas (D-Sylmar), will discuss legislation introduced by Cardenas at a meeting of the Sylmar Community Coordinating Council on Wednesday.

Cardenas has introduced 20 bills since being elected to the Legislature last year, Montes said. Cardenas is the first Latino to represent the San Fernando Valley in the Assembly, occupying the seat held for many years by Richard Katz, who was forced to retire in 1996 by term limits.

“I plan to present a brief overview of the issues and let people know about the different bills the assemblyman has introduced,” Montes said.


Cardenas recently introduced a bill calling for a Valley-only vote to decide the issue of secession from Los Angeles. Under the terms of Cardenas’ proposal, one of several dealing with the issue to be introduced in the Assembly this year, secession would require the approval of two-thirds of Valley voters.

Other bills introduced by Cardenas call for the creation of a state health czar to oversee the medical insurance industry and changes in the way community college board trustees are elected, Montes said.

The community council holds monthly public meetings that serve as a forum for the improvement of Sylmar.


The meeting will begin at noon at the Mandarin King restaurant, 17092 Devonshire St., Northridge. The meeting is free and a lunch buffet is available for $6.50.
