
Board May Create Fundamental School

The Westminster School District board will consider creating a fundamental school--which backers say would provide more focus on basic education, values, patriotism and discipline--at its meeting tonight.

Board member Helena Rutkowski has proposed reopening the Franklin School campus at 14422 Hammon Lane in Huntington Beach. The school was closed about three years ago and leased to Head Start, a federally funded program for low-income preschool students.

Rutkowski has proposed a “back-to-basics” educational format, with English-only instruction and an emphasis on discipline and patriotism. Under the plan, parents would have the option of sending their children there, she said.


“People want English-only education, without all the frills, so why can’t we give people a choice?” Rutkowski said. “My children went to a fundamental school and I thought they had the best education possible.”

The board meeting will begin at 7 p.m. at 14121 Cedarwood Ave. Information: (714) 894-7311.
