
Business Ordered to Repaint Trim

The City Council will allow a property owner to keep his commercial building the color he painted it even though it doesn’t exactly match the antique white of the rest of the structures on the street. But the trim will have to go.

The business in the 500 block of Lambert Road was painted ultra pure white with red trim. Nearby residents protested that the colors did not match the rest of the neighborhood and looked tacky. The trim on the business has since been changed to an aqua.

The Planning Commission had ordered business owner Victor Maidah to change the colors to match the rest of the neighborhood buildings, which are painted antique white with a blue-gray trim.


Maidah appealed to the City Council and was allowed to keep the white but ordered to repaint the trim pilgrim blue.

Maidah agreed to do so and to also replace some trees that he removed and comply with a sign ordinance that he has violated.

In other council action, a developer received approval to remodel the front building facades and install new signs at the commercial and industrial center at 1251-1401 Beach Boulevard.


In addition, federal grant money totaling $914,720 for community development projects was allocated to several nonprofit organizations.
