
Gen. Joseph Ralston

* Wasn’t it gracious of President Clinton to accept Gen. Joseph Ralston’s withdrawal from nomination as chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff (June 10)? Too bad for the American people that our commander in chief didn’t make the same moral decision prior to his seeking election as president. Talk about a double standard!



* Re “Adultery Casts Doubt on Joint Chiefs Candidate,” June 5: An adulterous Air Force general (male) could be considered for the position of chairperson of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, but an adulterous pilot (female) is not considered worthy of flying a plane. Sounds like the ultimate double standard.


Fountain Valley

* I believe if we all have to be so perfect that if we had an affair or did something out of the ordinary that we have to resign our position, then it should go all the way to the top. If Ralston found it necessary to resign because he had an affair 10 years ago, then it only seems right that the commander in chief do the right thing and follow suit.


I’m getting very sick of all the double standards that exist, especially for Slick Willie!



* Holier than who? I say, enough to “general discharge” and “denial of appointment as chairman of the Joint Chiefs.” I say, let’s stone the adulterers to death. Let’s start with the Army brass and the politicians. Let’s hold their feet to the fire until they confess--a bit harsh but they will only be telling the truth. Then we can continue with the general population. Won’t the few hundred who are spared enjoy the public spectacle.


Los Angeles

* With all the recent disclosures about hanky-panky, adultery and various forms of sexual harassment in the armed forces, it just goes to prove what many have been saying for years: Heterosexuals and heterosexuality are incompatible with military service. They destroy unit cohesion and are generally disruptive and bad for morale.

Hey, we gave them their chance and they blew it!


San Diego
