
Volunteers to Plant 100 Trees Today

More than 300 volunteers are expected today to plant 100 trees in a neighborhood northeast of Haster Street and Orangewood Avenue.

The tree planting is being organized by ReLeaf Anaheim, a nonprofit community group dedicated to increasing the quality of life in neighborhoods by planting trees.

ReLeaf officials say the tree planting will commemorate a partnership between civic and private groups to improve the community.


Funding for the trees has come from Mervyn’s stores in Orange County and Anaheim-based General Landscape and Maintenance. The city’s police and code enforcement departments, Americorps youth service group and neighborhood residents will pitch in to plant the trees.

The event starts with volunteer sign-ins at 8 a.m., followed by a tree planting demonstration at 9 a.m. A picnic for volunteers will be held at Ponderosa Park after the trees are planted.

Information: (714) 254-6916.
