
CSUN Picnic Becomes Celebration of Wilson

Organizers of the President’s Picnic at Cal State Northridge got a reminder this week that timing is everything.

Two days before Wednesday’s picnic, CSUN President Blenda Wilson announced that she lost her bid for the presidency of Wayne State University in Michigan and would remain at Northridge. So her picnic, an annual event whose midday and evening sessions allow Wilson and other administrators to mingle with students and dish up free hot dogs, burgers and baked beans, turned into a celebration.

“It’s a blessing. I’m so glad she’s back,” said Dana Holden, a 21-year-old junior who stood munching a hot dog in the shade on Oviatt Lawn. “She’s the only president this school has had who brings a real go-get-’em attitude.”


Senior Ernest Baskerville, 23, agreed.

“I see her around campus once a week,” he said. “I saw her twice and the second time she remembered my name.”

Conceived well before Wilson’s future at CSUN came into question, this year’s picnic was decidedly more upscale than previous editions. A Tower Records van cruised the quad, offering free cassettes. Rather than the faceless campus or San Fernando Valley bands of years past, hip swingers Big Bad Voodoo Daddy--a major-label act complete with three CSUN graduates--patrolled a large metallic stage.

Taking a break from shaking hands and fielding questions from students, Wilson agreed the picnic came at an ironic time. But she called it pure coincidence. “I wish I had that kind of clairvoyance,” she said.


Surveying the scene of hundreds of people milling around the quad, Wilson seemed content that the fall semester began Monday, ending her hectic summer.

“Many people have been very kind in saying they’re glad I’m staying,” she said. “This is what we want the beginning of the school year to be like.”
