
Whale Tail License Plate Makes a Splash

In a ceremony by the Santa Monica Pier, actor Ted Danson attached the state’s first Whale Tail license plate to his solar-powered car Thursday.

About 9,000 other Californians are scheduled to get their plates in October, said Becky Steckiler, Coastal Commission outreach coordinator.

The plates cost $50 more than the usual registration fee, and $40 a year more than the usual fee for renewal.


“We want to raise public consciousness about cleaning up the coast,” Steckiler said.

“Once the plates hit the street, everyone who sees them order them,” said Coastal Commission marketing consultant Judy Shilts.

“It’s kind of a contagious image for those of us who live on the coast.”

The plate was designed by the artist Wyland.

Fees from the plate will go to the state’s Adopt-a-Beach Program and for park acquisition and maintenance.

To order, call 1 (800) COAST-4U.
