
School to Celebrate Finished Renovations

The St. Patrick’s Day School in Thousand Oaks will celebrate its new renovations--which include a hand-painted tile wall created by students--Sunday at 11:45 a.m. at One Church Road.

Parents raised $350,000 to help fix the private school’s leaking roof, cramped classrooms and antiquated bathrooms, Principal Carol Clarke said.

The project began in June and was completed by Sept. 1. The school’s classrooms are now bigger and air-conditioned. The renovations also include a full-size networked computer lab and a spacious art room. Also, the bathrooms have been modernized and made to accommodate handicapped people.


An 8-foot by 8-foot wall outside the computer room boasts a panel of tiles, each painted by students, Clarke said.

For more information, call the school at 497-1416.
