
Secession Symposium

I attended the secession symposium at Cal State Northridge on April 2 (“Secession Discussion Splits CSUN Symposium,” April 3) and would like to voice the following critique:

There were 12 participants, excluding the moderator. This was far too many for objective coverage of a subject as involved and complex as Valley secession. Most invitees had very little, if any, input. The entire program lasted less than two hours.

Vital problems generated by secession, such as how much of the city Department of Water and Power’s $7-million water bond debt would be the Valley’s obligation, were not even touched upon.


The audience’s secession group enthusiasts were very evident, both in their applause and in their aggressiveness. They even set up an information booth within the building entrance, and passed out fliers in the assembly room.

All in all, my impression was that the meeting cast more heat than light on the subject. There is great need for an objective coverage of the issue, but unfortunately, to date, this has not occurred.


Van Nuys
