
Bus Stop for Seniors

Six years ago the Ventura City Council ignored a petition with more than 500 signatures and refused to incorporate a bus stop at the corner of Petit and Darling on the No. 11 Telephone Road route. Numerous letters and petitions in ensuing years have met with the same fate.

Apparently the City Council allowed a senior complex to be located in that hilly area with little thought to transit availability.

The average age of our tenants at Silvercrest is 75, with waning physical stamina to reach the present bus stop--0.4 of a mile away.


Despite an increase in demand for transit service, transit funding is stagnant or declining.

As an admonition to the City Council please hear us:

We, the people, elected you to represent us, not the staff. They all work for you in an advisory capacity to carry on the affairs of the city. We have had a need for six years that you and they have known about and ignored. Wouldn’t you conclude that the city of Ventura is practicing a form of discrimination in failing to provide a viable transit mode for an enclave of seniors whose only fault is growing older, with less stamina? In a way, depriving our tenants’ freedom of movement and independence is a form of elder abuse. Please refer to the Transportation Development Act and give us our bus stop.


