
Designers Reflect on Blessings


Fashion designers are a grateful bunch. In between setting trends, planning shows and running companies, they pause and reflect like the rest of us around this time of year. We caught up with some and posed this question, “What are you most thankful for from the world of fashion?”

Here’s what they had to say:

Nicole Miller: “I’m most thankful that these days anything goes--from heels to flats, long skirts or short skirts, colors and prints. If the fashion trends of the season don’t suit you, there are always other options.”

William Calvert: “A) That I’m doing this. B) That everyone--editors and buyers--has been so supportive. C) The amazing group of people I have around me--family, best friends, the ladies in my sample room who never get enough credit, and my future wife, Halla, who wakes me up every morning and says, ‘Knock ‘em dead.’ ”


Patrick Robinson: “The first thing that pops into my mind is that I’m able to have a platform to express my artistic self and my inner soul. That is something a lot of other people never get the chance to do.”

Joan Vass: “I’m thankful that so many people all over the world are making wonderful materials--yarns and cloth that inspire me. There are marvelous synthetics coming out that are in the new spring line, yarns that are just breathtaking. I’m thankful for a staff that’s so lovely and for friends and family who are so supportive.”
