

The March 1 paper refers to the Clinton administration’s team supporting its Iraq policy as the “ABC” team, referring to [Madeleine] Albright, [Samuel R.] Berger and [William S.] Cohen. It seems to me that in dealing with the American public as well as their other comments on the policy, ABC should stand for Arrogant, Brazen and Contemptuous.

With Indonesia, the world’s fourth most populous nation, now reneging on commitments made to receive massive loans in the recent bailout, and with President Suharto staging the vote for his seventh term rather than stepping down (at age 76), where is the loud voice of our braggadocio foreign policy? Is Indonesia just too big for us? The concern over a power vacuum with Suharto’s departure is at odds with our lack of concern over ending Saddam Hussein’s regime in Iraq.

If I were a cynic, I would believe that our government feels obliged to turn our attention away from our system of purchased elections, career politicians and the stream of immoral activities flowing from all three branches of government. The president is doing a fine job of this with his foreign policy.



Mission Viejo

* While the Congress and Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin are deliberating a monetary rescue of Indonesia from its financial crisis, it seems that the brutal conquest of East Timor has been entirely forgotten. Why not make complete withdrawal from East Timor a precondition to any bailout?


