
With Dispute Settled, Pro Tour Returns to Seal Beach in July

Seal Beach has settled its differences with the Assn. of Volleyball Professionals, paving the way for the return of the AVP Open July 10-12.

A dispute between Mayor Marilyn Hastings and the AVP board over how much the AVP should pay for using the city beach scuttled the event after it was held north of the city pier in 1994 and 1995. When the tour attempted to charge for seating at its tournaments, Hastings contended the city should get a cut. The AVP balked.

The tour was later forbidden by the California Coastal Commission from charging admission on 75% of seating on the sand because it violated state beach access restrictions. So, the AVP trucked sand to play tournaments in other states where it could charge.


“Maybe the coastal restrictions gave the AVP the perception that Orange County was not conducive to hosting this event,” said Nancy Beard, director of Seal Beach Parks, Recreation and Community Services.

But AVP Executive Director Matt Gage said the tour preferred to return to California, getting back to its volleyball roots. In return, the city is expected to charge about $14,000, the same as it did in 1995, for the use of the beach.
