
Prop. 226

Chris Splendini (letter, May 7) and others supporting Prop. 226 should get their facts straight. Workers already have the right to prohibit their dues from being used for political purposes and to restrict use of the funds to contract administration, grievance procedures and collective bargaining. This was affirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1988.

If supporters are looking for Machiavellian practices, they might better look past “union bosses” (elected by union members and answerable to them) and at such out-of-state figures as J. Patrick Rooney, responsible for much of the pro-Prop. 226 funding, and Grover Norquist, a Washington lobbyist long identified with far-right causes. Rooney, a Midwestern “health insurance boss,” has an anti-union ax to grind because his attempt to replace Medicare with private insurance accounts was defeated with the help of unions and their members. I resent the interference of such nonresident carpetbaggers in California affairs.


Woodland Hills
