
Gomez and INS

Speaking in defense of Maura Gomez, I would like to say that I think it is Barbara Schratwieser and Kyle Ericson (letters, May 12) who miss the point. Gomez did not “interfere” with INS agents. What she did was plead with them to stop their savage beating of an immigrant and call 911. “Not in front of my children,” she begged. The beating nevertheless continued, even after the suspect, Rony Vasquez, was handcuffed and helpless. When the police arrived, they did not arrest the four thugs in government uniforms. They arrested Gomez and another witness.

I know the incident happened that way because that is what witnesses (not Gomez) have told me. I would contend that the govern- ment’s blatant brutality and intimidation of witnesses in this case are far greater crimes than Gomez’s mere crossing of our borders.


Los Angeles
