
Dysfunction Lights Comedy of ‘Moths’

An old geezer on his deathbed, Alex (a spry Buck Kartalian) worries about what will become of his household when he’s gone. An aging drunk (Louis Pastore), a middle-aged slut (Robin Karfo), a daughter doomed to spinsterhood by her fierce pride (Megan Zakar), an old lady who records Alex’s every word (Shannon Welles), a ragtag band (Norik Manougian, Yeghish Manougian, Henrig Aroyan) and a priest who never visits his parish (Krikor Satamian)--they all flutter about him, like moths before the flame.

Some of the characters are cliches and the ending is predictable, but Raffi Arzoomanian’s comedy “The Moths,” at Hudson Backstage Theatre, is easygoing fun. There are some mean-spirited words and sexual innuendo, but this is basically a warm tale, lightly told.

Arzoomanian’s script does have some gentle surprises that director Anita Khanzadian exploits fully. Sean Nagle’s scenic design gives a light, airy feeling--a wide-open room where this venue’s oddly placed support beams seem to be part of the set instead of an irritating intrusion.


The cast is charming, particularly the feisty Kartalian, and they all appear to be enjoying themselves.


* “The Moths,” Hudson Backstage Theatre, 6539 Santa Monica Blvd., Hollywood. Thursdays-Sundays, 8 p.m. Ends Nov. 1. $20. (626) 794-7942. Running time: 1 hour, 45 minutes.
