
Plan for Skateboard Park Moves Ahead

Weighing safety against pure kick-flipping joy, the Calabasas City Council voted Wednesday night to proceed--albeit cautiously--with a plan to build a skateboard park.

The vote was 3-2 in favor of preparing a bid request to build a 10,000-square-foot park at Las Virgenes and Lost Hills roads. The council members who voted against the plan said the area had too much traffic to be safe.

“These are kids that enjoy risk to begin with,” countered Mayor Pro Tem Robert Sibilia. “I’d rather they do this than be sitting in front of a TV set eating Chee-tos.”


Council member Dennis Washburn, who also favors the plan, hinted that even a councilman might find the park fun. “There are some of us, frankly, who might like to use that skateboard site,” he said.

The city plans to contact homeowner groups within a one-mile radius of the proposed park and hold a public hearing before making a final decision. City Manager Charles Cate warned that some opposition is inevitable.

“I don’t care who you contact,” Cate said just before the vote. “They’re going to say no.”
