
Smart Aleck

Question on Oct. 4: Halloween is coming. Match a famous person with a costume. (Explanation of pairing is optional.)


Bill Clinton as Pinocchio. Ken Starr as the Big Bad Wolf. Hillary Rodham Clinton as a doormat. Monica Lewinsky as a Gap sales associate.

Cindy Diaz-Donovan, Phillips Ranch


A threesome of trick-or-treaters: Bill Clinton with his Tricky Dick (Nixon) mask, Linda Tripp as Medusa and Ken Starr as a vampire.


Brian and Deborah Shafritz, Goleta


I would like to see media tycoons Rupert Murdoch and Ted Turner dress up as Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum for Halloween. It is the perfect time for them to duke it out.

Raymond Bates, Marina del Rey


James Carville was going to go trick-or-treating as Yul Brenner, but everybody kept calling him Matt Fong.

Wayne E. Scott, Camarillo
