
Council to Consider Speed Bump Policy

A proposed policy on installing speed bumps and traffic circles in residential neighborhoods will be considered tonight by the City Council.

“We don’t have any [such devices] in the city at this point,” said Joe Genovese, the city’s traffic engineer.

Other cities, such as Thousand Oaks, have such policies, Genovese said.

Oxnard currently uses a combination of education and enforcement to solve traffic problems, including a radar trailer that displays motorists’ speed.


Under the proposed policy, residents requesting speed bumps or traffic circles would have to pay for their installation and the $553 fee to process the request unless studies show a significant traffic problem. The county and city of Ventura require residents to pay for speed bumps or traffic circles.

Because people frequently have a love-hate attitude toward such devices, Genovese is recommending that three-quarters of the residents on a street must agree to the installation.
