
List of Fair Parade Winners

Silver Open--First place: Camarillo White Horses

Charro Open--First place: Martinez Family

Mounted Posse--First place: Ventura County Sheriff’s Posse

Horse Drawn Vehicle--First place: Wells Fargo Stagecoach. Second place: Mike Bradbury Wagon

Pony Drawn Vehicle--First place: Carmen Eblen

Color Guard (Jr.)--First place: V.C. Young Marines

Color Guard (Sr.)--First place: 187th Airborne RCT Assn. Second place: Marine Corps League No. 597. Third place: 146th Airlift Wing

School Floats--First place: Ventura High School Pep Squad. Second place: Buena Pep Squad. Third place: St. Bonaventure High School Cheerleaders


Commercial Floats--First place: KHAY Radio. Second place: KBBY Radio. Third place: Spaceplay/7UP

Adult Club Floats--First place: Ventura City Mothers of Multiples. Second place: Vietnam Vets of Ventura County. Third place: Country Lovers Dance Club

Youth Club Floats--First place: Foothill 4-H Club. Second place: Ventura Packers Football League. Third place: Westpark and Police Activities League


Antique Auto Individual (over 50 years)--First place: See’s Candy Inc./Caregiver. Second place: Gold Coast Garage Doors. Third place: Tony’s Body Shop

Antique Auto Clubs (over 50 years)--First place: V.C. Model A Ford Club

Classic Auto Clubs (under 50 years)--First place: La Gente Car Club. Second place: Wolfsburg Finest V.W. Club. Third place: Classic Oldies Car Club

Miscellaneous Novelty--First place: Topa-Topa Flywheelers. Second place: Frontier Gunfighters. Third place: Don Ancell-Abraham Lincoln
