
Free Workshop for Home Buyers

Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Los Angeles will sponsor a free housing fair from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday at the Citadel Outlet shopping center, 5675 E. Telegraph Road, Commerce.

Topics to be covered during the fair include budgeting, cleaning up your credit, working with Realtors, low- and moderate-income home-buyer programs, mortgage pre-qualification, down payment assistance programs and financing and refinancing options.

Prospective home buyers can also get answers to their questions at 75 booths staffed by housing-related groups, agencies and organizations.


Fair goers can sign up for free six-hour home buyer workshops offered by Consumer Credit Counseling, in English and Spanish, throughout Los Angeles.

Co-sponsors of the fair are the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Los Angeles County’s Community Development Commission and the city of Commerce.

For more information, call (323) 890-9512.
