
Dog Days of Summer

Being a dog isn’t all fun and games. The days are spent whiling away the hours, nose pressed against the living room window, patiently waiting for a garbage truck to rumble by, the mailman to make his way up the front stoop or the evening walk around the block. Sure, a dog’s life shouldn’t be a rat race, but circling the same old city block and sniffing the familiar fire hydrant is enough to make even the most good-humored of hounds cry out for some diversion. Calendar Live! solicits the help of Sparky Jack, a Jack Russell terrier and aspiring actor, to find some leash-free summer hot spots that will put the wag back in any dog’s tail.

The Buckcherry Stops Here

The timing may be just right for the hard-rocking music of Buckcherry as the band makes its big entrance into the music scene. Many are calling Buckcherry the “forbidden fruit,” but metal-starved fans are eating it up. Calendar Live! meets with these local rockers before their weekend concert.

Formula for Success

Joseph Brooks, deejay and promoter of clubs such as Make-Up, Shout, Sin-a-Matic and Coven 13, talks about the changing L.A. club scene and what keeps the crowds dressing up and coming back for more.


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