
Buy Them $3.50 Peanuts and $4.75 Cracker Jack

I enjoyed the article on inflated meal and beer prices at Dodger Stadium and Edison Field. The reason my family and I don’t attend more games and the reason we don’t buy souvenirs is because an afternoon or evening at the ballpark, including meals and parking, now costs more than $100 for a family of four.

Thanks, but we’ll watch the game on the TV, and hit the mute button during the commercials.


Rancho Palos Verdes


The high prices of concessions at ballparks can be explained rather easily: It is the primary objective of business owners to maximize their revenue. Once you are inside a ballpark, expect to have your pockets picked. If you want a great game at a reasonable price, watch rugby--it’s free and you can bring your own beer.



San Diego


Regarding the outrageous food prices at ballparks, I have a great idea for Disney, should they decide to keep the Angels next year.

Free food and drink!

Trust me, this is doable. The Angels will draw, what, 1.5 million to 2 million fans this year? If each fan blew, er, spent, 10 bucks on food and drink, the total cost of the giveaway could be $20 million.

How, you ask with bated breath, could the Big Mouse possibly afford this loss? Simple! Take it out of Michael Eisner’s pay!


I realize that this would drop Mikey’s yearly compensation to a measly $480 million or so, but think of the good will his sacrifice would generate. I’m getting choked up as I type.


South Pasadena
