
Fast-Food Worker Sentenced in Drug Case

A fast-food worker pleaded no contest Monday to transportation of methamphetamine after sheriff’s deputies arrested her last month on suspicion of selling drugs from the drive-through window of a Covina Jack in the Box restaurant.

Jennifer Dominguez, 23, was sentenced to nine months in county jail and five years’ felony probation, her attorney Jack Tyre said.

Dominguez was arrested March 16 in her car outside the restaurant on North Citrus Avenue with the stimulant, authorities said. A sheriff’s deputy told reporters that Dominguez was “selling methamphetamine to high school and college students, utilizing a drive-through of a local fast-food restaurant in Covina where she was employed.”


Her arrest made her the butt of many comedians’ jokes.

But her attorney, John Tyre, said Monday his client was not selling drugs in the restaurant and that authorities used an unreliable informer.

“She was not charged with with selling drugs at any fast-food restaurant. We plead to a transportation charge,” he said. A second charge alleging that she possessed methamphetamine for sale was dismissed in connection with her plea, he said.

The deputy district attorney handling the case could not be reached for comment.
