

“Legislators Take Stock of Rookie Year,” Jan. 19: I assume that all of our representatives mean well, at least as far as taking care of their constituents is concerned. However, the question must be asked as to there being any conceivable justification in passing 1,277 bills in one single session. Is our state so out of step with “needs” that such an ambitious slate of “improvements” must be undertaken by (I assume) each and every gathering in Sacramento on an ongoing, yearly basis?

An interesting comparison can be made with the state of Texas, which under governments of both parties, historically mainly Democrats, can function rather well with a legislative body that meets every other year and for a shorter duration of time than is the case in California.

It could be assumed that the yearly creative gatherings in our state are a way to justify the $99,000 salary the legislator receives. Also, with the required pandering to their balkanized constituencies, it would take a lot of creative writing and talking to keep up with the requirements for reelection. And we end up paying for all of this in more ways than one.



Los Angeles
