
But Before Iowa State, It Was a Merry Land

What transformed the UCLA basketball team? Easy answer: RPM.

Reading Plaschke’s Maligning.


Van Nuys


I am sick of all the criticism directed at Steve Lavin. One scathing critique in last week’s Viewpoint really angered me. Vince in Newport Beach stated that the definitive reason Lavin should be fired is that he emphasizes that his “relationship” with the players on his team (in this case Earl Watson) is more important than “winning or losing” basketball games.

Coach Lavin definitely has his priorities straight. As a UCLA alum I want to see UCLA win as much as anyone. With this kind of thinking, Lavin will continue to recruit well and will win a lot more often than he comes up short. This was what was most important to the two greatest coaches, John Wooden and Dean Smith.




As our hometown newspaper, it would be nice, just once, to read a positive article about a Los Angeles team. However, this morning’s [March 20] article by Mr. Kawakami is beyond the pale! If he just plain doesn’t like Steve Lavin, UCLA, this particular team, these particular kids . . . why can’t he express that and be honest?


At least Bill Plaschke tried to say that he may have been wrong in his earlier remarks about Steve and the kids in his article on the Bruins’ win over Maryland, and he has had nothing nice to say almost all season. But Mr. Kawakami is unapologetic in his dislike for UCLA basketball and our great young coach, Steve Lavin.

What is it with The Times anyway? Why can’t the Sports section ever praise a hometown team? I have to question whether any of your writers really know anything about sports. Are they all just out to win prizes with their writing? Maybe they ought to follow Mike Downey into another section of the paper and try to be real writers and not hide behind the sports banner any more.

Perhaps Mr. Kawakami won’t survive the merger. I certainly hope not! Plaschke is on the bubble as well, as far as I’m concerned. I’m sick of these guys and their negative journalism!


We’ve canceled The Times so many times because of the sports section, perhaps it’s time to do it again.


Los Angeles


I have enjoyed the L.A. Times sports section since 1953 and in all those years have only once written a letter to the sports section. But now I feel I must write again regarding the work of Tim Kawakami.

Tim is obviously a hard worker and equally important to me, he never writes an insipid story. I look forward to “The Morning After” as well as all the Laker coverage. Keep up the good work, Tim.



Santa Barbara
