
Squabbling Within the Industry

There are some serious issues underlying the conflict between the Screen Actors Guild and the studios (“What’s a Union President Have to Do to Get a Little Respect Around Here?” by James Bates, March 25). 1) Should actors be paid every time their work is aired? 2) Should actors be given a fair share of the profits from cable and foreign markets? These were the central issues that drove the commercial strike. But they never were really explored in the article. Instead, any disinterested reader would assume that the problem boiled down to internal squabbling between incoming and outgoing SAG presidents. The piece is chock full of gossip that has nothing to do with the upcoming actors’ strike. This coverage hurts SAG actors and makes it harder for us to receive fair treatment.

Tim Truby

Redondo Beach


In Bates’ article on Bill Daniels’ activity as SAG president, Bates doesn’t mention the firebrand role that Daniels played as John Adams in the musical and movie “1776.” Perhaps if Daniels acted more like that in his present role, he might achieve the ends he desires.

S. Sensiper



I voted for Bill Daniels. The first time I attended a Town Hall meeting at the Hollywood Palladium I realized I had made a mistake. Daniels was seated onstage. His designated speaker was running things. And if Daniels wasn’t acting, he was actually nodding off during the meeting. A softball question was lobbed his way once, and his response was embarrassing. Run for the SAG presidency again? Only if you relish pain, Bill. Only if you relish pain.


Scott St. James

