
Bush’s Cabinet Nominees

President-elect George W. Bush’s Cabinet nominees and the dates of their Senate confirmation hearings:


Nominee Position Hearing date Colin L. Powell Secretary of State Jan. 17 Paul H. O’Neill Treasury Jan. 17 Don Evans Commerce Jan. 4 Ann M. Veneman Agriculture Jan. 18 Mel Martinez Housing and Urban Development Jan. 17 John Ashcroft Attorney General Jan. 16-18 Christine Todd Whitman Environmental Protection Agency Jan. 17 Donald H. Rumsfeld Defense Jan. 11 Tommy G. Thompson Health and Human Services Jan. 18-19 Gale A. Norton Interior Jan. 18 Rod Paige Education Jan. 10 Anthony J. Principi Veterans Affairs Jan. 18 Spencer Abraham Energy Jan. 18 Elaine Chao Labor Jan. 24 Norman Y. Mineta Transportation Jan. 24 Robert B. Zoellick Trade Representative TBA


NOTE: Some hearings may extend past dates listed.

Source: Staff reports
