

The Times accepts and publishes the catch count as a public service. Any responsibility for accuracy is that of the landing operator.

MORRO BAY (Virg’s Landing)--77 anglers (3 boats): 770 rockfish.

AVILA BEACH (Patriot Sportfishing)--68 anglers (2 boats): 145 rockcod, 535 bolina, 2 cabezon.

SANTA BARBARA (Sea Landing)--61 anglers (3 boats): 4 barracuda, 32 calico bass, 3 halibut, 1 lingcod, 70 mackerel, 30 ocean whitefish, 149 rockfish, 23 sand bass, 3 sculpin, 1 sheephead, 10 sand dabs, 17 white seabass. (Hornet’s Landing)--10 anglers (1 boat): 12 sand bass, 5 ocean whitefish, 1 lingcod, 11 red snapper, 22 rockfish.


OXNARD (Cisco’s)--277 anglers (12 boats): 70 white seabass, 4 cabezon, 423 whitefish, 63 sheephead, 25 sculpin, 73 sand bass, 1,480 rockfish, 194 red snapper, 8 lingcod, 10 halibut, 95 calico bass, 70 barracuda. (Captain Hook’s)--134 anglers (7 boats): 103 calico bass, 121 sand bass, 7 barracuda, 4 halibut, 634 rockfish, 7 sculpin, 21 sheephead, 119 red snapper, 6 cabezon, 1 lingcod, 153 whitefish, 1 white seabass.

PORT HUENEME--91 anglers (4 boats): 27 white seabass, 32 calico bass, 14 sheephead, 10 barracuda, 1 halibut, 475 shallow-water rockfish, 140 sand bass, 2 sculpin, 16 whitefish, 1 lingcod.

MARINA DEL REY--180 anglers (5 boats): 12 white seabass, 57 barracuda, 5 halibut, 286 sand bass, 224 rockcod, 28 sculpin, 80 calico bass, 1 sheephead.


REDONDO BEACH--269 anglers (8 boats): 50 sand bass, 143 barracuda, 13 halibut, 26 sculpin, 18 white seabass, 1 rock sole, 3 rockfish.

SAN PEDRO (L.A. Harbor Sportfishing)--208 anglers (6 boats): 42 white seabass, 50 yellowtail, 141 barracuda, 133 calico bass, 64 whitefish, 241 sculpin, 7 sheephead, 40 sand bass, 160 blue perch, 2 bonito, 2 rockfish. (22nd St. Landing)--342 anglers (9 boats): 19 white seabass, 5 yellowtail, 187 calico bass, 45 sand bass, 255 barracuda, 2 halibut, 685 sculpin, 35 sheephead, 117 whitefish, 307 blue perch, 358 rockfish, 38 bonito, 2 lingcod.

LONG BEACH (Sportfishing/Berth 55)--233 anglers (9 boats): 33 red snapper, 32 salmon grouper, 10 lingcod (released), 188 barracuda, 5 yellowtail, 5 white seabass, 147 calico bass, 1 halibut, 140 rockfish, 209 whitefish, 54 sheephead, 48 sculpin, 3 sand bass, 2 sargo, 277 blue perch, 14 yellowfin croaker, 1 cabezon, 1 black seabass (released). (Marina Sportfishing)--133 anglers (4 boats): 36 barracuda, 102 calico bass, 65 sand bass, 22 rockfish, 16 whitefish, 14 sculpin, 39 sheephead, 218 blue perch. (Belmont Pier)--29 anglers (1 boat): 11 barracuda, 35 calico bass, 30 mackerel, 7 rockfish, 21 sand bass, 9 sculpin. (Pierpoint Landing)--149 anglers (6 boats): 8 yellowtail, 164 barracuda, 173 calico bass, 86 sand bass, 21 rockfish, 42 whitefish, 216 sculpin, 8 sheephead, 218 perch, 9 halibut.


NEWPORT BEACH (Newport Landing)--163 anglers (8 boats): 7 yellowtail, 5 white seabass, 222 barracuda, 319 calico bass, 84 sand bass, 4 halibut, 19 rockfish, 30 sculpin, 40 sheephead, 50 whitefish, 65 blue perch, 1 lingcod, 1 red snapper, 4 sole. (Davey’s Locker)--349 anglers (7 boats): 9 yellowtail, 235 barracuda, 98 calico bass, 73 sand bass, 8 bonito, 6 halibut, 81 whitefish, 79 rockfish, 41 sculpin, 23 sheephead, 3 sargo, 160 blue perch.

DANA WHARF--237 anglers (10 boats): 6 barracuda, 16 blue perch, 180 calico bass, 175 sand bass, 88 mackerel, 1 yellowtail, 2 halibut, 54 rockfish, 18 sculpin, 1 sheephead.

OCEANSIDE (Helgren’s)--111 anglers (6 boats): 1 white seabass, 63 calico bass, 44 sand bass, 4 halibut, 80 sculpin, 1 sheephead, 48 whitefish, 48 rockfish.

SAN DIEGO (H&M; Landing, Fisherman’s, Point Loma)--210 anglers (10 boats): 48 albacore, 588 yellowtail, 1 bluefin tuna. (Seaforth)--342 anglers (10 boats): 5 albacore, 270 yellowtail, 230 barracuda, 67 calico bass, 44 sand bass, 70 rockfish, 18 whitefish, 20 sheephead, 331 sculpin, 7 halibut. (Islandia)--103 anglers (3 boats): 295 barracuda, 113 calico bass, 92 sand bass, 18 sculpin, 1 sheephead, 82 rockfish, 45 mackerel.
