
U.S. Afghanistan Policy: Crocodile Tears

“Twisted Laws Fueled Reign of Terror by Talib Police” (Nov. 25) paints a gruesome picture of life in Afghanistan. Both under the Northern Alliance and the Taliban unspeakable atrocities were carried out on its citizens, with special ferocity against women.

The executions, stonings and amputations described took place three year ago and were a common occurrence during the past 10 years. There was little or no protest by U.S. administrations. U.S. money ($43 million) flowed to the Taliban as recently as last May.

What incredible arrogance and hypocrisy for the Bush administration to now, when it’s politically expedient, shed crocodile tears and pretend to defend the rights of the Afghan people. It was U.S. and CIA involvement that fueled and armed the fundamentalist revival and the destruction of the Afghan society.


Tanja Winter

La Jolla

Given all of the pontificating by the experts on TV, it appears the strategy is to talk the Taliban to death.

Allan E. Paquette

Santa Maria
