
Higher Expectations Hurt the Economy

Help me understand. Why do retail sales always have to be increasing? Why do home sales always have to be increasing? Why do car sales always have to be increasing? I watch the market and wonder what the people who make statements that cause the market to go up and down are thinking. Where is it written that a company has to grow at a certain percent to be successful? Why does everything always have to be bigger and faster and better? What’s wrong with a company that has moderate or no growth? It is still employing people and these people spend their money and help the economy.

Can’t we stop these ridiculous expectations? Who are these so-called analysts who make these statements, and why do we put so much value on what they say? I am tired of hearing how many people lose their jobs and how the economy is so bad. My goodness, have you never heard of self-fulfilling prophecies?

Many things are now changing in America--let’s first change the way we let others control our financial future. Today let’s all make a conscious effort to ignore those who cry wolf for personal gain. Let’s start the rebuilding of America with a commitment that all of us have to be responsible for ourselves, that we have to trust our values and our judgment more than we rely on others. And most important, let’s demand that everyone from the child on the playground to the president of the United States be forthright and 100% honest.


Larry Reese

Aliso Viejo
