
Vote on Bigger Issues Than Personal Taxes

Why are Bill Simon’s tax records still an issue (“Simon Advisors Hope Worst Is Behind Them,” July 29)? His records show he paid a little more than 30% of his income in taxes. Anybody who thinks that isn’t a “fair share” has seriously impaired judgment. I will go on record that I have never, ever voted for or against anyone based on a candidate’s tax returns. Not when there are issues far more substantial and important in this election.

No matter what your strongest priority for state government is, there will be forced budget cuts, all because Gov. Gray Davis indulgently overspent this state’s budget into a crisis. If you don’t like the fact that class sizes are being increased, you should vote against Davis. His $24-billion deficit is the main reason why.

Robert van Peer



What is candidate Simon afraid of? Is he concerned that we peasants will climb over the wall and savage his bushes? His flashcard peek at his tax returns was a sham and a fraud. And by the way, what is a good reason to not vote in several elections?


James Holaday

