
Easy Way to Improve Olympic Judging

There is a simple way to improve the judging at amateur figure skating events, and everyone in the skating world knows it (“Skating’s New Gold Standard,” Feb. 16). Just do what is done at every professional meet. When the pros compete, the highest and lowest scores are thrown out and the mark is the total of the remaining scores. It’s not a perfect solution but sure beats what they have now.

E.R. Horowitz

Long Beach


It never ceases to amaze me that we expect the Olympic athletes, many of them mere children, to be honest and clean and truthful while the adults indulge in every form of political, ethical and moral chicanery. Aren’t we supposed to be setting an example for them? If there is anything left in this world that is not tainted by every form of corruption imaginable, it should be the Olympics.

Joseph Sevenliss

