
Andersen Jurors Resume Deliberations

Associated Press

Juors deliberating the fate of Arthur Andersen on charges of obstruction of justice will resume this morning in Houston after meeting over the weekend without reaching a verdict.

The nine-man, three-woman jury, which is being sequestered, has been deliberating since Thursday. They met on Saturday and on Sunday at the federal courthouse.

At one point Sunday they asked for a dictionary. U.S. District Judge Melinda Harmon denied the request, telling jurors that if they needed a word defined, she and attorneys would do so for them.


Today will be the start of the sixth week of the trial.

Andersen is accused of shredding documents and deleting computer records related to Enron Corp. audits in October and November last year as the Securities and Exchange Commission opened an investigation into the energy-trading company’s complicated accounting practices.
