
Artist’s Sign Aids Freeway Traffic

Re “In Artist’s Freeway Prank, Form Followed Function,” May 9:

Kudos to Richard Ankrom for doing and saying something that had to be said. Even as a lifelong resident of Los Angeles, I’ve often been confused by misleading and inadequate signs all over the place, from freeways that assume everyone (including foreign visitors) knows that “Sacramento” means north, to terrible passenger signs at LAX. The sign makers who live here obviously assume everyone is as familiar with these places as they are, so I suggest they hire a consultant from outside the area to help them understand how much information is really needed to help people find their way.

Andy Pearlman

Marina del Rey


Yeah, sure--the form is fine but the function fails.

A couple of miles north of the artist’s “prank,” and once through the tunnels, motorists are still having difficulty getting into the left lane in time for the hard-left transition from the Harbor Freeway to the Golden State Freeway.

And all this time I thought it was just lousy, thoughtless L.A. drivers waiting until the last possible moment to merge, thereby causing that consistent clog on one’s way up the historic Arroyo Seco Parkway.


J.E. v.F-B. Beckman

Los Angeles


Maybe the clandestine art project eluded official notice for months because it’s not art, it’s just another freeway sign.

Hal Pawluk



Ankrom has performed a real service with his freeway sign. I have only one question: Does he repair potholes?

Paul McRae

