
Cross-trainer versus treadmill

Special to The Times

Which is a better workout -- running on the treadmill or using the elliptical machine?

Most people think that treadmills offer the best blend of exercise and perceived exertion, but recent research at the University of Mississippi suggests that elliptical cross-trainers can offer a comparable workout.

In the study comparing cardiopulmonary responses of patients recovering from cardiac disease, subjects exercising at the same level of exertion used 12% more oxygen and experienced greater cardiopulmonary activity with the cross-trainer than with a treadmill. The impact was lower, as well, an important consideration for people with joint problems.

Ultimately, you should take into consideration your body type, age, injury history, goals -- and which you prefer using.



Is weight training with free weights more effective than with machines?

No. For muscle tone and weight loss, it doesn’t matter which you use.

Working with free weights can lead to improved balance and allows you to do multiple exercises, with greater range of movement, such as walking lunges.

Machines, on the other hand, can give you more control over a specific body part or muscle group.

They also can be safer because of the controlled movement they provide. Many people use both, simply because that adds variety to their routine.


My suggestion is to choose the type with which you are most comfortable and most likely to use on a regular basis. But keep an open mind, alternating at least every now and then.

And, as always, ask for professional instruction before using either type of equipment to be certain you’re doing each exercise correctly.


Stephanie Oakes is the fitness correspondent for Discovery Health Channel and a health/fitness consultant. Send questions to [email protected]. She cannot respond to every query.
