
Omens’ Rocky Reentry

Re “Omens, Wars and a Streak in the Texas Sky,” Commentary, Feb. 7: The omen that appeared to Constantine specified that his military success (vinces -- “you will conquer”) was based on a certain religious connection (In hoc signo -- “in this sign,” the sign of Christ’s cross). But after achieving his victory, he went on to issue some Roman coins symbolizing his recognition of Christ with the chi-rho sign [an abbreviation of the Greek symbol for Christ] -- and others portraying him in dual profile with Sol, the pagan sun god. As is generally the case with omens, pure visions in the sky are one thing and the muddled reality of human affairs on Earth are another.

John Leverence

North Hollywood


Even more ominous is the fact that the shattered dreams of the proud Israeli space program lay scattered over a small town called Palestine, Texas.

Mauricio Bejarano

