
Four Words to KCBS: Stop, Stop, Stop, Stop

Memo to Jim Hill and KCBS:

1. The Raiders are back in Oakland.

2. They are not a very good team.

3. Please stop telecasting their mediocre games and give L.A. the best games available.

Adi Rhone

Santa Monica


The only ones making more penalties than the Raiders this year are the executives at KCBS for making L.A. watch every dreadful Raider game.

Al Tavera

Santa Monica


Surely it’s no secret that the sporting fan’s interest is often equal parts love and hate; witness the USC-UCLA rivalry. Accordingly, it would be deeply appreciated if Mike Penner and Viewpoint contributors would soft-pedal the drumbeat against local Raider telecasts.

Many of us take far more pleasure from viewing a loss by Al Davis’ Raiders than a win by any of the identity-challenged franchises in the NFL.


Skip Nevell

Los Angeles
