
Skilling’s ‘Perp Walk’; Using Taxes to Punish

Re “Ex-CEO Arraigned in Fraud at Enron,” Feb. 20: What’s with the handcuffs? I thought a person is presumed innocent until proved guilty. First, Michael Jackson. Then the three little girls in Garden Grove. Next, Gisele Marie Johnson, accused of kidnapping her son in Canada. And now Jeffrey K. Skilling, the former CEO of Enron. None of these people is a threat to the community or possible fugitive. Is this an effort by the police to show how powerful they are? Let people keep their dignity; they’re in enough trouble without demeaning them further.

Jean Desmond

Rancho Palos Verdes


Regarding Skilling: If Congress would be serious about going after high-level white-collar crime, it might pass a new income tax law. This law would state that anyone convicted of those types of crimes would be taxed for at least 90% of the stolen amount, in addition to any other penalties, due and payable at the time of conviction. If the money is hidden, it would be taken out of any future income of any kind.

Irving M. Leemon

