
Standing, yes; and the talking?

Re: Geoff Boucher’s piece “Stand Up or Sit Down, It’s Fight, Fight, Fight” (Oct. 28): Great article and, having been on both sides of the issue of standing versus sitting at rock concerts, I can relate.

However, the more egregious issue is the Talkers. At a concert, at the movies, at plays or during any audience event, all some people want to do is catch up with Mary or Johnny and talk so loudly that the rest of us are subjected to their boring recitation of the triviality of their lives. What is with these people?

We have all paid good money for the event we are attending -- why do they choose now to talk about whether they should cut their hair, break up with their significant other, get a dog or take some great new vitamin?


Kris Miller

Arroyo Grande


I think the Springsteen organization had the best solution during the “Rising” tour of 2002-03: Let the floor be for the “Standers” while the “Sitters” can have assigned seats in the risers.

The prices were the same for standing as sitting, and if you wanted to get into the “pit” area closest to the stage, you had to put in a little extra effort to line up and get into the lottery.

Robin Serfass

