
No Shortage of Advice for the Republicans

The Republicans could keep power for the next 50 years with three simple reforms: Provide medical coverage for everyone. Reform the tort system. Reform the present accounting practices. Campaign funding and fear of punishment from lobbyist groups and moral extremists make both parties shake in fear at progress.

Bill Cormeny

San Luis Obispo


What the Republican convention really needs is the scroll across the bottom of the TV screen. In it should be what the platform really says.

This way voters can be informed about the real plan versus the imagined ones of the moderate speakers.


William Cinnamon

North Hollywood


With no record of successful policies on jobs, the economy, the environment and healthcare, the Republicans quickly established a theme on Monday night that has been a staple of the present administration: fear. Fear of terror, fear of unwilling allies, fear of anyone who questions the path of President Bush’s disastrous route to secure America and, finally, fear of not being fearful enough.

Speaking through the guise of liberty and freedom, while concurrently slashing cherished freedoms in the name of such fear, is an irony hopefully not lost on any discerning voter.

To also cloak this lack of prosperity in the manipulation of Sept. 11 was not only politically repugnant, but an unconscionably offensive display not to just Americans but any human being with an ounce of dignity and sensitivity. That this was done so brazenly is nothing short of sad.


Stephen Rafferty

North Hollywood


Re “Go On, Snicker -- Bush May Well Laugh Last,” Commentary, Aug. 31: I am disgusted when individuals who could not muster an eloquent toast for a best friend’s wedding criticize the public speaking skills of a man whose every word and gesture are scrutinized by the world.

Public speaking is not the issue. Intelligence is not the issue. Dishonesty, greed and callous disregard for human life are some of the issues, and they are no joking matter.

Writer Chris Bray is right to warn those who mock the president that they risk ennobling him. Worse, they trivialize the dangerous lack of character that permeates American politics, representative though it may be.


Dean Zatkowsky



“We will win the war on terrorism,” Bush promised on the first anniversary of Sept. 11. In an interview broadcast Monday, he said, “I don’t think you can win it [the war on terrorism].” Is this incredible flip-flop not the ultimate insult to all the killed and maimed soldiers and civilians in Iraq? And to the American taxpayers who have forfeited nearly $145 billion -- so far -- because of Bush’s myopia? After this reversal, even ostriches wouldn’t vote for Bush.

L. A. Riley

Yorba Linda


Vice President Dick Cheney says Bush is “exactly the leader we need for these difficult times.” My question to him is who exactly got us into these difficult times?

Barbara Myers



Re “Anti-Bush Protesters Fill N.Y. Streets,” Aug. 30, Bush’s comments regarding the Iraq war as “a catastrophic success”: Bush is this country’s catastrophe.

Harold D. Watkins

Studio City


Would that I were as adept at the use of the English language as is our president. Pray tell, what exactly is a “catastrophic success” as related to Iraq? Did he mean what he said or was he unwittingly coining a new oxymoron?

Emilio Cruz



Sen. John McCain’s endorsement of George Bush for a second term comes as no great surprise. McCain is in need of backing from Republicans of every stripe, especially the hard-core neocon right, if he is to become their candidate of choice in 2008.

It was with this in mind, I believe, that he agreed with Bush’s decision to make war. It was not the right thing to do, even if it comes from McCain. It is well to remember that Bush is on the ballot in November, not McCain.


Dale A. Page

Granada Hills


Three things that happen every four years, the Olympics, leap year and compassionate Republicans.

Robert Cohen

Santa Barbara
