
Talking about speaking English

Carol Platt Leibau’s insistence that new citizens pass an English test (Current, Aug. 14) gives the false impression that there are significant numbers of immigrants in the U.S. who can’t speak English and don’t want to learn it.

This is incorrect. Most minority language speakers in the U.S. also speak English.

According to the 2000 census, only 7% of those who speak another language do not speak English, or about 1% of the entire population. These figures are very impressive, especially when you consider that they include those who are recent arrivals who have not yet had enough time to acquire English.


Los Angeles


For more than 32 years I have taught English as a second language to adult immigrants. You cannot separate language from culture, and for those immigrants (legal or not) who come here for the American dream, learning English must be priority No. 1.


Allowing citizenship rights to those who do not understand the one unifying language of this nation is a travesty and is leading to the Balkanization of this country.

To not immediately teach the children (and the parents) of this nation English at school is cruel to them and will keep them, forever, second-class citizens.


Los Angeles
