
Iran’s nuclear-weapons drive not taken seriously

Re “Bombs, away,” editorial, Dec. 16

If it were not such a serious matter, I would have laughed at The Times’ editorial about Mohamed ElBaradei and nuclear proliferation. The greatest threat to the world today could not be more obvious and is clear to anyone with half a brain -- it is Iran’s drive to develop nuclear weapons and the failure of the left-leaning world to take Iran seriously. Iran’s drive to develop nuclear weapons has nothing to do with poverty, infectious diseases, environmental degradation or any of the other nonsense that The Times rattles on about.

Iran wants nuclear weapons because the fanatical mullahs who rule it (a country rich in oil and natural gas) want to wage war against Jews, Christians, Hindus, moderate Muslims and anyone else who is opposed to living under a 7th century view of Sharia [a strict version of Islamic law]. The world should deliver an ultimatum to Iran now to give up its nuclear program or face U.N. sanctions and an immediate embargo on all trade with it.


Bloomfield Hills, Mich.


It is a rule in teaching: If the teacher gets rid of the class clown, another will rise to take his place. We have nullified Saddam Hussein, only to see the rise of the backward and belligerent president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, take his place.



