
‘Sideways’ is getting sideswiped

Thanks to Burt Prelutsky for the courage to point out the emperor’s nakedness in regard to the movie “Sideways” [“Oscar, Don’t Give This One Even a ‘Sideways’ Glance,” Counterpunch, Jan. 3]. My only disagreement is that it is not the most overhyped movie of the year, simply the most overpraised. If “Sideways” is an Academy Award contender, my Uncle Ben should have been a movie star. He got just as drunk as the characters in “Sideways” but was far more entertaining and insightful.

Steven Schwartz

Marina del Rey


Long after Prelutsky and the usual backlash ilk are forgotten, Alexander Payne’s “Sideways” will continue to be remembered as a beloved American classic.

Roger Christensen

Sherman Oaks


Prelutsky must be nuts. I bet he didn’t like “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” either. Lucky for the public, his opinion doesn’t matter. It’s a hit anyway!


Shirley Gutierrez

Seal Beach
