
Broad Coalition Must Battle Gays’ Meth Use

Your Jan. 19 front page article, “Gays’ Rising Meth Use Tied to HIV Cases,” underscores that we have much to learn in L.A. County from the aggressive campaigns now being implemented in San Francisco and New York. Actually, the New York campaign began after one person became disillusioned with the city government’s lack of response to this issue. Being Alive People With HIV/AIDS Action Coalition has responded to this problem by securing private funding to launch a social marketing and education project that helps our HIV-positive peers to curb the use of meth and minimize its impact in furthering the spread of HIV/AIDS.

At a recent community forum it was apparent that we need to be more aggressive in responding to the problem here. It will take the partnership of individual community members working with nonprofits, government agencies and other community efforts to address it fully.

Demetri Moshoyannis

Executive Director

Being Alive People With HIV/AIDS Action Coalition

West Hollywood
